Women Empowerment Legal Lobby

Legal Lobby
A legal cell has been established under the NGO “WE CARE”. The cell works for Women’s Empowerment by providing them with free Legal aid, where it is required. The NGO bears all the expenditures for hiring imminent Lawyers across the country, from Lower Court to Apex Court. For this purpose, all mediums of publications such as newspapers, and electronic media are used to inform, contact, and reach immediately to help deprived women, child abuse cases, child labor cases, and Afghan refugee children cases.
In “Women Empowerment Cell” and “WE CARE”, we focus on:
- To work for uplifting the status of women in society. To work against female circumcision and to fight against the victimization of girls/women by anybody in society on female circumcision or any other related issues.
- To help and generate training programmes for self-employment of women and educated unemployed people and to work for adult education.
- To organize forums, seminars, camps, etc for spreading good living habits, moral values, Pakistani culture, methods of development of self-confidence etc and to create centers throughout the country for the above activities.
- To provide free legal advice and support from all women strata.
- Organizing seminars, impact studies, workshops, research studies and awareness campaigns on educational policies, statistics, health, legal issues, and women and children development activities.
- Establishing unity, integrity and communal harmony.