Message By The Founder

The Chairperson’s Message
Our lustrous 25 years of experience have evolved us into a school with a difference. We are amongst the very few in this field of education who have realized their needs and created our values out of them. Our motto is sustaining to prevail and the only solid reason why have we remained unbeaten over all these years is a strict observance and adherence to our specified ALS values.
When it comes to parents we make sure they remain the most valued for our Tuffians throughout their lives. Our lustrous functions have our parents invited as our chief guests. When it comes to our student graduations and award ceremonies parents are applauded in person for their share in our students’ achievements, right at their doorsteps.
To us a human being comes first, we have over these years infused human values in our Tuffians very successfully. May it be our every now and then happening humanitarian relief efforts during the floods or be it arranging summer and winter clothing for the deserving in the changing seasons, our Tuffians have always struggled hard in the way of Allah to please Him by pleasing his beings on earth.
Our former Tuffians are more responsible and are serving their nation wholeheartedly. They have so far dominated all walks of life. Many are serving the international community abroad and illuminating our name as a nation.
Out Tuffians today are not only caring towards other human beings but are compassionate towards nature around them as well. Almost every one of our Tuffians has now planted a tree at least one in the past three years and they still continue to do so every upcoming spring season. The trees they have planted are taller than they are happy. We have already enjoyed the status of being the only eco-friendly school in Pakistan.
Confidence is the middle name of all of our Tuffians who take part in our nowhere in Lahore happing extracurriculars which have bedazzled many in the past 25 years of our academic excellence. Sometimes they are caught getting it on the sets of Alhamra, Arts Council, Lahore, while at times they are found lighting up and enchanting the Alhamra Gaddafi, Lahore. No matter it’s our all-famous cultural Folkfest or the all-happening Music Fiesta cum FEAST Festival, our debates, Tuff Tell a Tale Theatre or simply an in-house rhyme competition … they have found to be the very best.
This year marks our well-deserved Silver Jubilee and a reasonable foresight predicts, there are still many to come … INSHALLAH!