Our activity-based learning includes STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics). School should not be just about attending a one-sided lecture and going home, it should be an exciting experience filled with activities that can allow the student to increase their skills and competency. These skills will help the student gain numerous skills that build their foundation for a successful future.

The benefits of STEAM Learning are:

  • Motivating the students to improve their critical skills.
  • It improves the students’ creativity.
  • It builds up their foundation in science, mathematics, and engineering.
  • It improves their teamwork skills.
  •  It enhances their communication skills
  • It nourishes their artistic skills. 
  • It builds up their self-esteem and confidence.
Let us take some examples:
  • We have our very own BRAINTECH Mind Math. That trains our students to resolve math problems without the aid of calculators. Read more
  • We hold competitive science competitions that put the scientific, artistic, and creative skills of the student to the test. Check it out
  • We encourage our students to take part in musical performances to build their confidence. Check it out